Unpacking Your Emotional Ruck

 Each day we wake up and carry around invisible weight. We call this our emotional backpack or ruck. Active Duty Military and Police Officers have the most stressful jobs in the world.

This stress spills over into the families. My workshop addresses this stress by using an evidence based treatment model internationally recognized as one of the leading treatments for reducing suicidal ideations.

This workshop can be customized to Veterans, Active Duty Service Members, First Responders, and their spouses or children.

Your Participants Will Learn


These skills help you to focus on the present and attend to what is happening in the here and now in a calm way. It helps people slow down and focus on doing what is needed to care for oneself in the moment. Also really good for anxiety, panic attacks, and understanding oneself.


These skills teaches respecting the self and others, listening and communicating effectively, dealing with difficult people, repairing relationships and being able to say no. It teaches how to build and maintain relationship and understanding and communicating your needs.


These skills help people understand their emotions. It teaches people to decrease the intensity of their feelings and helps them ride out strong emotions without acting on them. It provides education about the function of emotions and how to not be swamped by them.


Self Care is an important skill to learn. These skills include relaxation techniques, physical and mental health care, growing and building mastery, and other important tips on reducing the weight in your ruck.


This helps people get through difficult times when emotions are running high. This allows individuals to make wise decisions and avoid engaging in problematic behaviors.


Each workshop creates a sense of community and discusses values, morals, and faith. We often partner with local resources to raise awareness in the local area.

Agencies we have already worked or partnered with


Interested in working privately with Richelle in either counseling or coaching?